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Type conversion

zoop supports type conversion between parent classes, subclasses, and interfaces. Type conversion is divided into two types:

  • Static conversion: users can confirm successful conversion. If the user makes a mistake, a compile error or @panic will appear.
  • Dynamic conversion: Conversion failure will not cause compilation errors or @panic, the conversion result will just be null

Static conversion

Static conversion is performed through the cast() method of the class. Two types of static conversion are supported:

  • Subclass pointers can be statically converted to parent class pointers (but not vice versa)
var sub: *SubClass = try;
var base: *Basic = sub.cast(Basic);
  • Class pointers can be statically converted to any implemented interface
var sub: *SubClass = try;
var iobj: zoop.IObject = sub.cast(zoop.IObject);
var ibas: IBasic = sub.cast(IBasic);


For static conversion from a class to an interface, the class must be the object pointed to by rootptr. For example:

var sub: *SubClass = try;
var base: *Basic = sub.cast(Basic);

In the above code, sub is the object pointed to by rootptr, but base is not, because base actually points to

Dynamic conversion

Dynamic conversion is performed through the as() method of the class and the as() method of the interface. It supports conversion between classes and interfaces in four ways:

var sub: *SubClass = try;

// 1 class to class
var bas: ?Basic =;
sub = bas.?.as(SubClass).?;

// 2 classes to interfaces
var iobj: ?zoop.IObject =;

// 3 interface to interface
var ibas: ?IBasic = iobj.?.as(IBasic);

// 4 interface to class
sub = iobj.?.as(SubClass).?;
bas = iobj.?.as(Basic);


  • Dynamic conversion requires an array search operation, which is not 0 cost. Static conversion only requires pointer operations, which is almost 0 cost.
  • Dynamic conversion does not require the object to be the object pointed to by rootptr

Released under the MIT License